Beta MECHA Kernel 4 Apr 11
Alright, been a little busy working on the kernel for the ThunbderBolt recently. It’s getting closer to being integrated with Frankenstine, EVO/INC/BRAVO. However, since I needed to do some upgrades to the base before moving it in with the others, I decided to release some interim builds.
Updated base to
Added BFS version 363
Tweaked Smartass slightly
Opened up the top end to 1.8GHz, a couple are stable there, but I need a bigger test group
Upped the max voltage slightly, I think all the higher frequencies need is a little more cowbell
Since some of you live and breath by Quaddrant scores, here’s my results.
ROM: Das BAMF 1.3.2
Kernel: 040411 BFS
Speed: 1.8 GHz
Governor: Performance
Provided By: imneveral0ne
ROM: Das BAMF 1.2
Kernel: 040411 BFS
Speed: 1.536GHz
Governor: Smartass
Provided By: Ziggy471
Beta Kernel MECHA BFS 4 Apr 11 (1112 downloads)
Beta Kernel MECHA CFS 4 Apr 11 (915 downloads)
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Monday, April 4th 2011 at 16:47 |
Awesome kernel! Easily the best one out ^_^
Monday, April 4th 2011 at 16:49 |
Thanks for testing, and as soon as you get me the screenshot, I’ll add it to the main post.
Monday, April 4th 2011 at 17:50 |
i got a fever….
and the only prescription….
is more COWBELL!
Monday, April 4th 2011 at 18:39 |
What phone is this for?
Monday, April 4th 2011 at 19:41 |
Mecha = ThunderBolt
Monday, April 4th 2011 at 21:41 |
Great kernel. Just rooted my thunderbolt and went straight to your kernel after having the incredible and using your those kernels. So far so good. Overclocked to 1.8 ghz. Any recommendations for a good, clean, fast rom for the thunderbolt. Thanks
Monday, April 4th 2011 at 22:19 |
Currently I’m running Das BAMF 1.2, it was the best one I found the night I rooted. Haven’t really tried many others, been too busy on the kernel, but I’ve been told that BAMF 1.3.2 is pretty good.
Monday, April 4th 2011 at 23:02 |
I’m trying the CFS one, and my phone won’t wake after 10 seconds are so, have to do a battery pull OC to 1.8, but i know the phone can handle it.
Tuesday, April 5th 2011 at 04:30 |
I personally wouldn’t OC to that, I put that in for people to test what their phone can handle. That way I can adjust the cap either up or down later.
Monday, April 4th 2011 at 23:54 |
[…]…rnel-4-apr-11/ […]
Tuesday, April 5th 2011 at 08:09 |
Alright well I know my phone can handle 1.4 as I’m running it from a different kernel right now. I haven’t tried anything in between though
Tuesday, April 5th 2011 at 18:15 |
I would definitely try the freqs in the middle of those. I’m really happy with 1.53, no issues at all.
Tuesday, April 5th 2011 at 12:57 |
[…] ProTekk's Battery Sipper Based on Adrynalyne's Git but more relaxed on battery consumption. Ziggy Thunderbolt Kernel Right now in beta but shows promise. __________________ COMING […]
Tuesday, April 5th 2011 at 16:30 |
phones been running great all day. watched a bunch of shows in the car with my niece while we were running errands and i was watching her and was using GPS while going from place to place. when i got home i had over 60 percent battery left and was gone for at least 4-5 hours. loving this kernel!
Tuesday, April 5th 2011 at 18:16 |
Just wait for the next one I do, I’ll be working on the voltage table and possibly HAVS too. However, I have to do some major re-writing of the acpuclock-7×30, I don’t like how it’s written.
Tuesday, April 5th 2011 at 19:32 |
locked up when I tried 1.8 …. couldn’t even get out of setcpu ….
1.4 was working great for the hour I tried it before 1.8 …
Tuesday, April 5th 2011 at 19:56 |
Ziggy, which kernel do you find more stable? BFS or CFS?
Tuesday, April 5th 2011 at 20:21 |
Ive overclocked to 1.8 but am only seen quad scores around 2500. How did you get 3000.
Tuesday, April 5th 2011 at 20:55 |
there is a script in BAMF called “uber_quadrant” or something like that. It boosts your quadrant score. Dunno if it was actually used, but I’m guessing so…
Tuesday, April 5th 2011 at 21:09 |
no i did not use that, my score was legit. i used the BFS version and OC’d it to 1.8 on performance.
Tuesday, April 5th 2011 at 21:22 |
Didnt you use Das BAMF. I’m using Das BAMF but the unthemed version, shouldn’t the results be the same.
Wednesday, April 6th 2011 at 08:33 |
I did use Bamf. but i used the BFS version of his kernel. Also quadrant isnt the best mesuring stick of how good it is either. 3000 was just the highest score ive gotten. but i have gotten 2900 many times on the same kernel. Also you may have more programs installed/running.
Tuesday, April 5th 2011 at 23:35 |
upper voltages from like above 1.3 for me are unstable.
Wednesday, April 6th 2011 at 04:19 |
I stand corrected. I just turned mine up to 1.8 and set performance and hit 3332 on the cfs kernel. Wow
Wednesday, April 6th 2011 at 10:10 |
just to let you know. I tried leanKernel v5 overclocked to 1.92ghz and was stable. are you planning on adding this frequency to your kernels, are you also planning on adding HAVS and all the other tweaks that were in the Incredible Kernels
Friday, April 8th 2011 at 14:47 |
[…] Ziggy Thunderbolt Kernel Right now in beta but shows promise. […]
Wednesday, April 13th 2011 at 17:56 |
Have you fixed the bug where the phone won’t come out of sleep after a phone call?