Beta Kernel 17 Dec 10
Updated Android USB Gadget drivers, Thanks Freddie for pointing that one out and testing the fix
Finally built BFS kernels
BETA Kernel Bravo BFS 17 Dec 10 (529 downloads)
BETA Kernel Bravo CFS 17 Dec 10 (534 downloads)
BETA Kernel Evo BFS 17 Dec 10 (646 downloads)
BETA Kernel Evo CFS 17 Dec 10 (726 downloads)
BETA Kernel Inc BFS 17 Dec 10 (570 downloads)
BETA Kernel Inc CFS 17 Dec 10 (537 downloads)
d3d6dfb8ea7e48e583244c28a9c4a1da 3c91ad739f1713eda652373e71e7d80e dc9b109bc31e3bc8c59fee279630b849 eff44f73475c4b2a977a05b7b7d7a548 a0e49264fb191aeb0d179961eeb24294 5d4af91aff6dedb019c3bfd800c24870
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Saturday, December 18th 2010 at 04:32 |
I just want to say thank you for your work on this, and supporting the Evo. Awesome work, Merry Christmas.
Saturday, December 18th 2010 at 04:43 |
No problem, I actually enjoy it most days. I only started to support the Evo because of friends I made during the Touch Pro2 days, like DarkLord, Tweety, and Mikee.
I started supporting the Bravo for similar reason, Mr. X and Mighty Mike, the top Touch Pro2 chefs, who became really good friends of mine.
Merry Christmas to you too.
Saturday, December 18th 2010 at 10:11 |
Awesome thanks… Any chance of an aosp kernel?
Saturday, December 18th 2010 at 11:09 |
As soon as I’m happy with this beta kernel, then yes, I’ll start working on AOSP. I was planning on building gingerbread to test it with that, but they Google gods have decided you need 64bit to compile anything past Froyo. This means I need to rebuild my laptop to do the build, or build another build box for it. 🙁
Saturday, December 18th 2010 at 16:12 |
Thats great to hear… I loved the 1205 version for battery life.. 1214 was a little worse for me… Can’t wait for the AOSP version to cause the one built in to the wifi keeps sleeeping ugh
Saturday, December 18th 2010 at 11:08 |
glad u support the evo! great work! it’s even u’re most downloaded kernel! 😉
Saturday, December 18th 2010 at 11:12 |
Yeah, I’ve noticed that too.
Saturday, December 18th 2010 at 12:45 |
Running the BFS DInc kernel. So pleased so far I don’t even want to try the CFS version. In my exhaustive 4 hours of testing everything seems to work. 😉
Saturday, December 18th 2010 at 18:22 |
Good to hear.
Saturday, December 18th 2010 at 19:09 |
What’s the difference between BFS and CFS?
Sunday, December 19th 2010 at 07:04 |
They’re different types of task Schedulers. There’s a big controversy on which one is better. Completely Fair Scheduler (CFS), has been around for quite a while. Brain Fuck Scheduler (BFS) is fairly new. In my opinion, CFS with Autogroup is on par with BFS, at least in my tests. But since noone agrees on this point, I compile both.
Saturday, December 18th 2010 at 20:19 |
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by suprano kay. suprano kay said: RT @Ziggy471 Meant to post this last night, but fell asleep too early – Beta Kernel 17 Dec 10 – […]
Saturday, December 18th 2010 at 23:18 |
Thank you, finally an INC kernel that will work with android-wired-tether!
Sunday, December 19th 2010 at 07:00 |
I’ve had it working for awhile in my kernels, just broke it in the 14th beta.
Sunday, December 19th 2010 at 09:24 |
Hi Ziggy, think about including this in your kernel:
Sunday, December 19th 2010 at 09:24 |
Meant that as a question. 🙂
Sunday, December 19th 2010 at 10:56 |
Figured as much, you were probably stuck in our wonderful traffic…lol
Sunday, December 19th 2010 at 10:31 |
somehow after fully charging, lost 27% battery while the phone was screen off for 4.5 hours.
SetCPU was set to Conservative governor and had a screen-off profile setting the cpu to 128 min and max.
Seems odd to have that battery drain. System reported that system standby and wifi were biggest drains at 34% and 33% respectively.
Sunday, December 19th 2010 at 10:44 |
I really don’t know why. But I only use smartass, since it handles the screen off already, it goes between 128 and 245, and when screen comes on, it’ll go to 998 to avoid lag. I haven’t used any other governors in a while, I just include them because you guys want them. I have tweaked conservative some, because Calk asked for it, but I don’t think that’s why.
However, I’ll look into it, since that’s not a good thing.
Sunday, December 19th 2010 at 10:33 |
I was excited about that too until I read the whole thread and realized it isn’t charging the battery any better or making use of the charge in a better way, it is just changing the way the charge is introduced into the battery. Apparently there is a lot of potential damage to be had just to make that top 10% more accurate. I lost my interest in it.
Ziggy, if you do incorporate this into a kernel, please maintain a non-tweaked version too.
Sunday, December 19th 2010 at 12:00 |
I’m really not that interested in the battery patches, I think the risk is far greater than the reward. I understand why HTC programmed it the way they did, and I’d have to agree with that decision. If you want that last 10% more accurate, pull the phone off the charger when the light first goes green.
Sunday, December 19th 2010 at 17:12 |
This is what I always do anymore. I hardly leave it plugged in overnight, and most kernels will hold 95+ for awhile. The worst case is overnight, or if I am using it while it’s charging that last 10%.
I’ve had mixed results with kernel with the patches. Sometimes I think they do something… other times I think it was in my head.
Sunday, December 19th 2010 at 13:09 |
Someone found a way to get more points of touch on the incredible. Maybe you would want to add this in to the inc kernels?
Sunday, December 19th 2010 at 13:19 |
That’s nothing new, we’ve known about T9[14] for awhile now, it’s even been in my INC kernels for awhile too. With that said, it doesn’t work on the INC, at least I can’t figure out why not. It’s the same thing the evo guys have been using for some time now.
I opted not to change the board-incredible file like he did, I choose the ffolks method, which is changing the atmel.c, the touchscreen driver.
Sunday, December 19th 2010 at 13:20 |
If you care to see what it’s enabled to on your phone, cat /proc/kmsg during boot and grep for “point multitouch enabled”, there will be either a 3 or 5 before that.
Sunday, December 19th 2010 at 17:00 |
Ziggy mate… big big fan. Can you just make it so that headphones come up on boot….then its ready for release…
Sunday, December 19th 2010 at 22:13 |
Using your latest with Myn’s Warm TwoPointTwo and latest Radios (PRI 1.77) so being new to the fully custom setup (was running rooted stock), have a question about battery life. I have tried various charging tricks and cleared stats,etc.. but wondering what might I expect over time. Seems I’m getting faster drain than I did with your 14th beta. Oh using CFS version.
Other than that phone seems snappy.